Hello Fellow Robotic Arm Project Enthusiast,

This website is designed to keep you abreast of the progress we have made with the Programmable Robotic Arm Project.

Focusing on Robotic Arm Projects, we have completed the robotic arm construction and programming. Once assembled we determined that the OWI 535 would not work for our first project: A robotic arm gaming project. Hence we have ROBO4:

  1. Assemble and make operational the Robotic Arm. This step did not change except that the OWI 535 was not capable of feedback and was not suitable for our game project.
  2. Develop programming procedures and compile the necessary components to produce the programming for the arm. We started with Arduino but needed more power for the “touchscreen” operation. Changed to Raspberry Pi3 and Python/Tkinter programming.
  3. Program the Robotic Arm to complete a simple task. The task will be determined based the capability of the arm and the complexity of said task. The task evolved into programming dual touchscreens and the robot touching any of 42 individual cells on the ROBO4 touchscreen.

I hope that you will enjoy our journey.

It is great of you to visit our website. We hope you enjoy your visit.

If there is anything we can do to improve your visit please let us know via comments at the bottom of this page.

YouTube Videos

Published a YouTube video this week. Video shows numerous plays of ROBO4 vs a young opponent.

Upcoming videos will be showing wins, losses and maybe a “Cats Game”. The “Cats Game” is quite challenging and awards double points for the human if they succeed in not loosing nor winning.

Have not edited the first ROBO4 video but intend to use Cyberlink Power Director 15 software to edit and produce more videos. This is great software, for me it is easy to understand and has a lot of options/features. It is very forgiving in that if you change something and don’t like it just don’t save it. Really like the speed tools and it is so easy to move and change the text.

Thanks for your time,
