Robotic Arm Project YouTube Video Suspension

Hello Fellow Robotic Arm Project Enthusiasts,

  • YouTube allows me to monitor the amount of views that my videos have.
  • Well apparently I’m the only one that has watched them. That is OK they are not Oscar quality.
  • Therefore I have decided to postpone issuing any more videos except the last one where the OWI 535 arm is functional.

On To Programming the Robotic Arm Project

It is now time to start the programming of the OWI 535 Robotic Arm. You may remember that we programmed a 6 DOF kit robotic arm. Funny DIY Expert Robotic Arm Kit

That video got quite a few views well, a lot more than the latest ones. OWI Robotic Arm Edge

Next post will be focused on the programming of the arm and hopefully we get some feedback from you guys. I think we will have the arm build a Jenga tower. Seems like a tougher and tougher task for the robotic arm and me.

Look forward to any and all feedback or programming task ideas.

Be safe and free,


PS: Don’t forget to check out the great video, picture and audio software from Cyberlink.

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